KoiCave project balance

KoiCave project balance, the BIG pond test 2023

During the well-attended TOP seminar on Sunday 15 January 2023, the board announced that it would give 25 members the opportunity to participate in the new Project BALANS.
For those who did not attend the TOP seminar, an ultra-short summary of what was discussed during the seminar.

During the growing season, many hobbyists struggle with elevated nitrite. A much too high TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) is also a huge challenge. A high TDS is a dirty water indicator. The premise of the test is short and simple. By using less stressful feed in combination with an improved bacterial culture, elevated nitrite values and too high TDS should disappear, resulting in improved growth and more health of your koi.
Too good to be true? You might think so, but if you have taken note of the scientific substantiation of the various speakers during the TOP seminars, it is absolutely not inconceivable that this should work.

What is the purpose?
The 25 test ponds will be fed with Kiyomizu feed for an entire season. If you participate with feed, you are obliged to also participate with Biogro products. The Biogro concept is completely different from all other pond bacteria on the market. A participant in the last TOP seminar described his experience with the Biogro bacteria as ‘A reset of my system‘. Those are serious statements!
Because this is a project of which we want to share the results with the members of the association, you as a participant are also obliged to place your measured values in the PondManager program every week. PondManager has created a special page for this, super handy!

Measuring = knowing.
If everyone starts measuring with different equipment/systems, this will not benefit the reliability of the results. Our sponsor Hanna instruments supplies a TDS meter and a nitrite checker for this purpose. Participants must use such meters.
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Participating ponds

Name Owner Pond volume Fish amount View
Table above is horizontally scrollable